I don usually cone here 😰
Laughter is not available in this chat room <# 😓
I’m kinda drunk. I’m just feeling kinda alone and wanted to come and chat and yeah. Hope you all are doing well 😢
You all seem really nice 😰
I should come here more 😰
I’m on a job hunt too. But no one is hiring it seems it’s weird 😓
it’s..like oh wow I have to be like 10 years experience towork anywhere 😭😭😭
Thank you I might end up at dollar tree tbh 😥
Yeah 20 I worked for target briefly but I left 😰
I jus took out some ice cram to thaw so I can scoop some for me 😓
I’m gonna have mint chocolate chipp 😥
Yay okay. If we can be friends 😓
Yay that’s nice z I don’t really have any so I’d like some 😥
How many tweas is too much 😢
Well tbh yeah but twisted tea is cheaper 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄 😭
I do like being done in 😓
Sadly pictures are not available <# 😭
I wish I had man snuggles rn ugh, I’m touch starved af. It’s frustrating cuz idk. 😭
Just like.. a man who would snuggle or hold me 😰