I was in a car accident, a drunk driver hit the car I was in on the side I was on at 75mps.. we were at a stand still.. it shattered my shoulder and would have killed me, but I covered my head
Saaaaame.. mirrors are the devil
It was.. the PTSD I have now is the worst
Worm drives in the city and I struggle really really bad having to turn into multi lane traffic.. or crossing over multiple lanes to the other side.. sometimes, walkingdown the street towards traffic causes really bad anxiety
I just suck it up.. I have to do what I have to do every day and there won’t always be someone there to coddle me.. Worm helps where she can.. but I have had to learn to deal with it..
It’s gotten a lot better.. the first few years after it happened.. I didn’t leave the small town I grew up in.. I would pull over and cry for hours on the side of the road.. now, it’s usually just big cities or very few between stressful days
I will make sure to do that
I have enough trauma to fill the medical books.. but definitely.. I always hope my experiences help others to heal..