Well, I always work on Saturday, unless it's a holiday and have SundayMonday off. One of those 2 days, I will go get the stripped screw out of my laptop, and go buy groceries from the store.
Our weather still thinks it's winter. We have a couple of semi-warm days, then it snows again.
I mean, today is 44, and the warmest we have been all week.
I am back to watching Heartland....this is day 4 and I am on season 4 ep 7
I just remembered I have to get my coffee ready for tomorrow before bed tonight. Last time I didn't, I almost didn't have time to make it in the morning.
Nope, was watching that earlier...needed something more light hearted
I am on season 2 ep 3 of Will Trent
OMG; I just read that George Foreman died
Those are the only thing certain in this life
If you want an interesting game show, you can watch The Floor
That I didn't know, now I know why I am so far behind already
Oh, I thought they filmed in the US
I think it's weird that they sequester, since it's a game show. I mean others have talked about studying when they have found out what subjects they were surrounded by.
πππI don't pay that close of attention
I just looked at my list for tmw, and I have a call bright & early at 8 AM....which means, it will probably be a busy day.