Says the guy in the skinny girls gc. Shouldn’t you be in the cute twinks group?
I’m pretty sure I’ve done both. And made you look like a doofus.
I think he’s read too many Donald Trump jr. manifestos
Then why did you dm me? lol
Yes in December and I never responded
It’s funny he thinks he looks so smart right now when he’s literally got no man or woman on his side
He can’t read my unblocked messages because he’s having a meltdown
I think he just likes the attention
Trying to act smart when he’s just showing his stupidity over and over again and blaming others for his flaws
Still not blocked by this genius
Probably because he’s hoping I’d actually respond to his dm from 4 months ago
He’s too dumb to know how blocking works
You’re a CNA? So you’re essentially uneducated too 🤣😂
You literally wipe patients asses