Black cat is embarrassing
This discussion is biased
Biased on the inheritent idea that there is a Christian god
There is no objectively good exactly, there is human good tho
>>> Jesus was a false prophet and a bastard
Don't go too far tho
Just like the existence of an extra human being
No, I do think ethics still existsfor atheists
>>> Ethics is a made up idea
If Everything is a made up idea then every abstract concept is made up and non existing, heck even electric current can be abstract to a certain extent
I don't think there is purpose of reason behind life but that's just my two cents
I don't think she's a troll either, she's just atheist lol
life is meaningless, in the big scheme of things yeah
After all we're just evolved apes with language on a rock in the middle of nothing
Hey I said in the big scheme of things
Obviously in the Little of our lives we have meaning in well loving our friends making friendships, loving, and ecc
>>> Even in the minute details it's just atoms
That doesn't make it less enthralling
You don't need an extra human being to find it awesome