Is your tongue sensitive enough to taste caffeine?
It's relatively easy to spot if you have cafdecaf black tea
Alright lil enough goofin around its seriousbusiness time - eggs or chicken
Peas are delicious I'll take it
I can get behind that kind of baking
There yall can feel better about your bonuses now, though tbf 59 is one of the highest ones I've gotten
Gonna dip U in the mustard ifyou don't behave lil
Engage in the most obscene (to me) debauchery
I could live the rest of my life on a million easily so a bill would need some effort t spend
Ahh yes that type of debauchery
Can you imagine being buried beneath a hundred kitten lil
I needto stop playing Russian roulette with my spine
It just pops so good right after I wake up
Lil I'm here on behalf of the cra
Have you paid your mandatory cat tax today?