Women how wear shorts clothes are sex object
Yes don't give me attention
Ignore me 🤗I will say what ever I want
Dont listen to those they are Jew crishtian slaves
They are dirty European Jewish and crishtian slaves
Women shall not wore shorts clothes
Women shall wear hijab and modest Islamic clothes
Women how against me are against the Islamic law they are Jew crishtian slaves
I mean they are against the Islamic teaching
Stay away from those infadels
Well guys don't listen to them they are against of islam they are bugest enemies of islam they are favor and empathetic towards the dirty Jews and crishtian
We shall protect the Islam from these infadels and a garbeg people
Look they are manipulating they are Islam enemies Islam is in danger we shall safe the Islam in world
You all girls here are a hypocrite and a Islam enemies
Women shall not be influencer or wear a short clothes
Look they are saying me 8 yr old they are against the Islam that's why
Girls are belongs to the kitchen