>>> Tf
Any issues there?๐
So I was right way to the trail room
So the thing is that I got a user c......m inside the room
And I never told my friend about that
Idk I was just staring for a min
Then slightly I just got my job done and came out as hurry i could
>>> What was ur job?
Trail of a tshirt
>>> Its embarrassing to tell others
>>> if you are doing anything inappropriate th...
Everytime it doesn't mean it's our reason only
We may face problem for other's dids too
>>> The user was doing his job and she was doi...
>>> both were doing their jobs in single trial...
What u want by that now
>>> how come?
I need to do a long description for explaining that
See it's embarassing now๐
And you are making me feel that
>>> When you saw him doing his job why didnt y...
There's no one there inside