Hey! Anyone interested in roleplay? Pm me any roles or scenarios you have in mind! I love hearing what ideas you guys have!
Hey anyone wanna roleplay? Pm me what ideas you have, or if you don’t have any I have a few premade we can do! Pm me what you wanna do!
Hey any guys wanna roleplay? I got a few roles made if you’re interested, or if you don’t like them, we can do anything else you have in mind! Things I have atm are:
Pokemon trainers
Chemistry teacherstudent
Bossnew assistant
Hey any guys wanna roleplay? I got a few roles made if you’re interested, or if you don’t like them, we can do anything else you have in mind! Things I have atm are: Pokemon trainers, Chemistry Teacherstudent, Bossnew assistant
Hey! Any guys wanna roleplay? Pm me any ideas you have or wanna do! I don’t have a lot of limits but just don’t be gross!
Hey! Any guys wanna roleplay? Pm me any ideas you have or wanna do! I don’t have a lot of limits but just don’t be gross!
Any guys wanna roleplay? Pm me any roles you have in mind! Especially if they involve anime, video games or any kind of fantasy! Please just pm me with any amount of roles you wanna do, I can pick off yoir list if needed!
Any guys wanna roleplay? Pm me any roles you have in mind! Especially if they involve anime, video games or any kind of fantasy! Please just pm me with any amount of roles you wanna do, I can pick off yoir list if needed! Please just send me at minimum 1 role or I won’t respond, not interested in plain dirty talk.
Any guys wanna roleplay? Pm me wha to role you wanna do! I love doing stuff with a fantasymagic setting or ones themed off of anime or video games! Pm me if you have any ideas! Please don’t ask if I have any!
Any guys wanna roleplay? Pm me wha to role you wanna do! I love doing stuff with a fantasymagic setting or ones themed off of anime or video games! Pm me if you have any ideas! Please don’t ask if I have any!