but russia is practically getting nothing out of it so why does it matter?
why does it matter for russia i mean?
wdym help of nato? russia is very clear onthe no nato involvement
he wouldn’t even sit on the table w them
if ur not sure then why do u think its a good idea
cuz it doesn’t deal with the russian threat it just postpones it
it’s literally just time out
russia breaking peace deals is a pattern not an hypothesis
the same way its been since after the ww2
and trump is only gonna be a president fr 4 yrs
it literally helps europe in no wat
its sad to see ukraine fighting but dis proxy war is europes safest bey
the “peace” deal that lead ukraine losing its nuclear arsenal with the promise of territorial integrity by both usa and russia let to all dis nonsense
20 something years later the very country that promised them safety launched an attack on them
idk either but doesn’t that mean that the money actually went into arms production
idk if they work on an free market economy
if so demand itself would make the prices higher
u do know they’re sending billions in military aid right?
its not like they just giving cash away without any report