Wait what, who TF posts nudes of the game app
Somehow I feel like you two are talking two different places lol
The one they're talking about starts with P I think
Wait what even starts with an e 😭😭😭
I feel like the mods wouldn't even know that exists 🤣
Wait wtf it's a straight up anti clone wot tha hale
That's incredible, I have to look at their networking now
Let's hack this shit live
I make some coffee and set up, this is great
It looks almost identical, has Avis and gifts
Yea it looks like a worse version of anti if that's even possible
Omg it even has walls, yo it's just anti
I'll need to modify the app then recompile the app and do the SSL certs to capture the networking, it'll take a bit, has been a while.
Yea that account got a year for annoying murr
She found 40 of my Hogos and broke out the ban hammer 🤣
>>> Hello everyone! Hope all of you are doing ...
Oh rip