Or is it just a friendly thing to do
Why do men pull away when everything is going well.Especially after being consistent everryday
No arguments, no disagreements
Am confused.
He was texting everyday.
He asked to see me before he left the country but when I finally set a day to meet he went silent.
The connection was real.Wed talk for hours.
Now he just stalks my social media but doesn't say anything
Do i reach out or leave things as they are?
He mirrors my lastseen everyday
Eg I go offline at 4pm he does same
Or when I come online he goes offline
It makes me wonder if he's still interested
Almost like he's aware when am online
Yeah, you are right.
Am trying to move on but it's hard because I am kinda attached because we had deep meaningful conversations
Am working on it.i will delete
Thanks and happy birthday🎊🎉.