Yea it gets cold and they don’t get inches of snow they get feet
I’m from Texas or weather is known to be bipolar but don’t get too cold and not too much snow…I’ve and sleet yea lol
Coldest I’ve seen was like -20F idk what that is in Celsius but that was with hellacious wind chill lol
I was hailing loads of the Canada boat 😆
I hated it their bathrooms were always down at the shipping parking and you had to go behind ya truck 🥶🥶
Yea I’m in the south for a reason lol
I am a lil skinny girl and I would get out looking like the Michelin man 😂
I’m telling ya I hated winter cause me and my ex were one of the few teams that had passports that would go into Canada in the winter 🙄
I like living where I ain’t gotta later up one big jacket should do it
If it’s too cold for that then indoors I stay
And I’m glad to be out of trucking winter sucked
Was cloudy and rainy all day here supposed to be just cloudy tomorrow