Oh God that brings back memories lmao, saw one ticktock were someone found a couple of those and turned them into ear rings and baby toys... Great bit
>>> Do know the answers to any of thoe questions?
What questions?
>>> I just want the truth
That's to my knowledge the truth
Well based on my horrible grammar you can probably tell I'm not from an English speaking country
The part that's very ashamed of the 1940s
The guess itself was correct, Germany has barely been right about anything except their political stand point that's practically only right
None thus far. I was making a joke about most German political parties being right wing
The locals are entitled elderly, the age of consent is wayyy too low, the people are incompetent, the schooling system sucks, and just a very bland and boring place with not much color
>>> This is christian chat please stay on topi...
Didn't I answer those?
Nope too broke for that besides where would I go?
>>> Just say the word bunny. Columbia is a ver...
Eh honestly I don't even know what I would do outside of Germany
Which person are you asking?
Nope not really just sit in my cave watching YouTube and playing video games
Whether you express emotion or not you still feel them no? You should be true to who you are and what you feel