>>> Even the lame Mel Gibson Patriot movie
Yeah he was the older brother
>>> Heath ledger?!?!
Too bad I'm not him😩
Neither are good, the new joker on the Batman is the best
>>> I read an article where he talked about ho...
Yeah and Jack Nicholson warned him about his own mental health issues from playing Joker
Bee it was Braveheart lite
Do you wanna fight about it!?
And very historically inaccurate lol
Braveheart was the best Mel Gibson movie ever
And Heath was in brokeback?
Omg. I know what I am doing tonight. Ha ha
>>> And Heath was in brokeback?
Ew. I don't like Gyllenhaal
The Patriot had some good moments but it was unrealistic the way they portrayed the British
The only reason we won was cus the greatest navy (at the time) took like a whole month just to send reinforcements
Sleep well respectful queen
And they weren't prepared for our guerrilla tactics.
>>> The only reason we won was cus the greates...
Truth and the French blockaded them
>>> Too bad I'm not him😩
Su Dalton ur beautiful
We took to forests instead of the fields
Lol the only time in history the French navy succeeded
I wanted to hate Mad max but I loved it lmao
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