It’s all they ever post is the same thing anyways
Hey what’s up wonderful Boston
There’s no wonder in Boston any more
This whole country is doomed
Actually, it’s too late for it
The country is going to finally get better now
Thank goodness for trump 🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻
But even worse is how many people failed to see it. You all deserve what you’re going to get
The worst is that he gets out of it all now. All those cases just go away.
America is a fundamentally different place today
Yet some more for us then any other President in the last how many years haha 🤣 thank god deport the free loaders and rats that mooch off the hard workers .
We’re not going to be able to this time. He’s going to have the house, the senate, and the supreme court on his side
He is going to get to do pretty much anything he wants
He had control of both houses last time! 🤣🤣 Didn’t stop him from screwing it up! It’s Donald he bankrupted Casinos! He’ll find a way! 🤣🤣
History always repeats itself
Donald isn’t even forming a transition team. Which cost him time implementing his dumb policies last time. 🤣🤣
You would think he would try and move faster knowing he only has 2 years until mid terms
Oops they’re in the slammer now 🤭🤭🤭
Down to smoke and cuddle 🥰
Let’s meet at south station and cuddle like some homeless people
Not too bad! What you up to?