And yet you are in prison
I close my eyes and let the whole thing pass me byyy
I need to let go let go let go of this pridee
Anti kicked me out and im no longer a seal 😳
This is horrible not using on the app
Someone just asked me how am i single lol
Im driving pass yall attleboroers later 😂
Why didn’t you bring me coffee?
I didn’t know you wanted me to hahaha
Anyone want a 1 yr old cat? She’s gotta go. She keeps attacking my older female cat.
Idk where to bring it meet me at emerald square lol
If only i knew of this like a month ago lol
How we doing on this beautiful Saturday
Annoyed that I have to use the browser to be on here
Come take this cat too. You can have both.
Ik tell me about it f n socksssss
I will ask around if someone needs a cat send me a pic
Damn she looks evilllll lmaooooo
Cats like ima kill u later for taking that pic without permission
Like my new beach towel 😂 n yea I didn’t leave home yet
I wanna post my new sweatshirt but I’ll get sent to prison
I can’t decide wat to wear 😭
Genuine conversation anyone