Normal workday for me. And I’m cold today. Which is weird because it’s a heat wave out there compared to the past month
Hopefully you’re not getting sick
Im just doing a small work out
Good morning everyone….tuesday….another day ending in “why”. 🥴
Having coffee watching the snow melt
Am not feeling good at all
I'm sorry i hope you get to feeling better
Thank you me too its been a very hard start
Feeling better now that it’s later in the day?
Good morning, getting some snow now and apparently glaze ice
Ya it's snowing here to actually snowing pretty good
Was raining here….but has stopped
How’s your morning shaping up?
I'm ready for the weekend
U got any plans for the weekend
Good question. Personally, I do not….not yet anyhow
Hey all no plans for me just gonna relax
That’s a plan if you ask me
Pbsh when a doctors office calls to say the doctor looked at my medical records and wants to cancel my apt this coming week and pass me off to a different doctor
At least they could get me in in march still
The room still exists huh
Has anyone watched the new season of reacher yet?