Idk queen let me see yours
Lol it’s full of food and 💩 😂
bro needs to do sit ups and crunches asap
>>> Lol it’s full of food and 💩 😂
She said do we get excited over stomachs now
I don’t need to be asked I’ll say wtf I want
why im i smelling period blood 🫢
Like I said idk maybe, let me see yours
lol why are you so anyso early in the morning go to sleep
😂 because the rabbit is on his period
Can’t, gotta catch that 🥜 first, you could help but you playing
lol you want to see my blubber
>>> lol you want to see my blubber
lol nah my stomach looks like the green man
Not really, this squid is dying to attention though
Being disgusting. Only way known to get it I suppose
I look like the flubber thing
>>> Being disgusting. Only way known to get it...
lol you came in half way through a conversation so sit down 🪑
Did anyone want to trade puc with me naked then pls dm me
>>> I look like the flubber thing
wat you mean your not a 10
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