I am and hoping my apartment doesn't smell like piss from her
Nope. Caught her peeing in one of her tents this morning. Got home and checked her other 2 tents and one smelled fine the other didn't. So threw that one away. But it was on the rug I have but doesn't seem discolored and the wood floor doesn't smell. But went ahead and sprayed cleaner on the wood floor. Need to get carpet cleaner this weekend and clean the carpet
But this morning after she did that I changed the dirty bad from the littler box to see if that was the issue. I'm hoping it was
She just went in the box and pooped. So yay to that
I was looking on something else about reviews for it and cats not using it. Even though they say you can change the bag every 2-3 weeks. A lot of people said a few days because the cats won't use it
So im thinking it was that. I praised her for using it just now so hopefully that helps too lol
Watching the reunion to see what more drama happened before the weddings didn't go as planned lol