I need help with this karma pooey
I gave mine all away to help someone and now I’m broke lol
Honestly it’s because I didn’t think I was going to redownload this app but here I am can’t sleep and I’m bored
The app limits you to access certain rooms now if you don’t have enough, never used to be that way
How the heck is everyone?
Honestly bored with the same day everyday routine lol
Not really the kiddos are young yet and getting their footing, wife and I are busy a lot.
Yeah that’s tough at the moment because the kids have sports games on the weekend. It’s just busy, I love the idea if we can make time
What’s relaxing to me at the end of the day is a dab or 2 and tv. But yeah we do thathere and there. It’s just starting to not feel like enough and I know it’s Proly cuz it’s cold as shiz outside right now and we’re cooped up in the house bored
Idk about that, I gotta be semi interested in something to do it. Granted I do make sacrifices but cutting veggies is Proly the most boring thing ever lol