Nah, simple dusting ought to do.
>>> People at odds
Tryna get even
>>> Imma try injecting turmeric and see what h...
Injecting into what?
Hey everyone... Fine Sunday morning, this!
Compared to age of human civilization?
No no, I do agree with the result of the search and the purported study it refers to. Just saying, it's been common knowledge for quite some time for it to be deemed new study
But UP my dear, I don't think that's the Vit D reference they had in mind 🤣
Jessie ji, lovely flower. What is it called. Does it belong to the Hibiscus family?
Hi Chups. Stick to English please
>>> Mod, take Chups away for speaking Hindi
Shouldn't I be doing that to you too?
No further warnings everyone.
I've been good, Chups. Thanks for asking.
>>> sabkeliye nhi hota laxman😔
Please stick to English please 🙏🏽
Rio... Please stick to English
And y'all keep your things in your pants. Flaccid or otherwise.
>>> I thought you’d expect a squish and a flic...
Not from Mods whose name's a misspelt choudhary no?