I don't like being alone and in the dark? Even worse
Yeah if we had more ppl it would be even better haha
Idk if I'm going against the rules but I pic truth haha
I don't really go on anything else. Just this to chat with ppl.
Something I've always wanted to do?... camp in a lot of snow but stay alive lol
I don't think I've ever stayed out in the snow like that. Maybe at a bus stop lol but I'm bundled up like a cotton fluff
I live in Canada but we hardly get snow in this areas mostly rain ): I like snow
On top of Canada yeah but nobody really lives there haha
And this movie is kinda scaring me...
It's called Pulse. I borrowed it from my sister
It's about like a ghost virus? In like a computer but it's a real ghost?
I think it's old. My sister has a million DVDs and sometimes I go through them lol I watch them on the game system
I never know what to dare. Usually the dare is weird lol
Make an ouija board and see if it works lol jk don't do that
CNt you make one out of a cereal box? Haha
I tried one before and it would move. Creeped me out
Yeah I never know what to dare ppl lol besides like jump into the lake
How we played it was only 2-3 ppl can say truth and the next person has to pick dare so I say that lol idk what to say
But truth.... have you ever seen a ghost or anything like that?
Really? What kind of place was it? Old house or something?
An old lady told me she quit working at a hospital cause she would see figures peeking around corners at her