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Any tips to finding a girlfriend irl? Not these nerdsssss (not u who has already been claimed)

Any tips to finding a girlfriend irl? Not these nerdsssss (not u who has already been claimed)
1% chances
Just talk to one
Can I practice with you?
Are you boy?
Yes I have a sad but true tip. You have two options. Either a you’re very attractive and women would love to be ur gf. Or be you’re not attractive at all, but you make a ton of money.
Second one is real
Looks like the money option 😔
You gotta work bud
I’m studying law now, you reckon women will be interested?
If you make money then yes
Let’s go
Good luck, it's not easy 😜
Aw bless I’m sure ur cute
I appreciate that thank you
Don’t come on too strong, compliment something that she put on that day, not how she looks. Like her hair, or her outfit or something. Ask for her name, what she likes to do, etc. Ask some conversation starting questions to inquire about HER. Don’t share too much about yourself, and just when you guys are at the peak of talking, ask for her number or to take her out to eat sometime. Read her body language though and don’t proceed if she’s obviously uncomfortable. Be nice and respectful