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I can take dishonesty but when it comes to stealing credit like plagiarism then I lose any respect I’ll ever have for that person 💀💀 biatch

I can take dishonesty but when it comes to stealing credit like plagiarism then I lose any respect I’ll ever have for that person 💀💀 biatch
Why you sounds serious biatch
What are you on about? biatch
Just on about this fookin duck Ashen King being lower than scum of the earth 😭 biatch
I’m not a king, just a chick biatch
Welcome to anti land biatch
Yeah biatch
Me? biatch
Not you biatch
You call me chick, and you call him duck?!!! biatch
I like you unlike him so. You’re my chicken. 🍗 biatch
I feel offended....😒 again biatch
You’re offended by positive things? Wew biatch
By chick 🥲 biatch
Don’t be offended be jealous biatch
Well keep believing biatch