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Enjoy your cleaning sesh ladies

Enjoy your cleaning sesh ladies
Come. We’ll clean you too.
I’ll clean you after I finish here 😏
For you I can be as dirty you need me
Oh :0 I guess it’ll be an never ending cleaning
Got all the time bb
And stamina too 😗
It’s there when necessary
Bet ! I can do this all day 😏
Oh no I can back this up with experience
She is a raging machine.
Lol this? There’s this and that. We not sticking to just this love
I was gonna say something but I don’t want to be mean. I want to be nice.
Say itb
I’ve seen how you can be lol don’t do that to me
I got you if anything
You just gonna drop me. Your rage can’t contain me.
Huh ?
My jokes are so bad. 🫠
Nah it’s me
Now I can’t sing Taylor Swift songs for you.