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To the ground? Sure

To the ground? Sure
im gunna beat u up
😤 I’m ready thenn
How exciting
be scared wtf
I’m terrified 😑
u better be...
🧍🏻‍♀️sarcastic of me but omg nuuuu don’t beat meeee
Keep her !
they dont like young 😣
Im sorry love. Maybe l‘ll change in the future
She’ll reconsider after a few more years
oh i wouldn't be young then thats ok
That’s the point
True dat. Or maybe in few hours
You horndog
LMAOOOO. Sal go to sleeppppp bb
Yes mastah
Lmaoo noooo. Youre the mastahhhh. *give whip*
You give that to the kid so she can discipline herself. Studies first.
Im not gonna whip that kid.
Tie her up back of your van 💀