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Since you have such a big mouth

Since you have such a big mouth
Says the scared racist
Saying someone is a little brown person is not racist
Telling them to go back to Mexico is moron
Trump said it and America voted for him? Who is the actual racist here?
Should have known.
Ya you should
I do now, you’re still as horrible as when you’re began talking to me
Good one bro
Got you shut so it must be
What does that mean?
You’re quite quiet compared to earlier when you had a fat lot to say
Aww did you miss me?
Vegetables are a thing
Vegetables are a thing
Ya sadly Americans as a whole have shown their true intentions and beliefs… it’s sad but it’s reality
Yeah and trump is poking the eye out of DEI 😂
Is that zephyr?
We are going backwards in equal rights and what once made this nation great was how much diversity and now it’s all about something evil and wrong