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why’s a man hating on a woman’s nails 😭😭

why’s a man hating on a woman’s nails 😭😭
With what? Your small ego? Dude bring it on I'll make your parents not recognize you 😂
With what? Your small ego? Dude bring it on I'll make your parents not recognize you 😂
oh scaryy
What was cringe is saying you were gonna disembowel someone to get on the girls good side lol
u dumbass that wasn’t even me😭😭😭
I know it wasn't you, I just used you as an all encompassing term.
dont say that to my gae friend👊
They gay? No wonder they talking about bowels
sheep im gonna cook you
Guess we are having mutt tonight
no only sheep
You should have said yeah mutton because mutton is sheep, but you were to dumb even when I gave you the ammo.
its not sheep
Mutton is sheep dude. Its lamb meat, sheep meat.
mb then😂😂😂