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Swords > Guns

Swords > Guns
Brought a dck to a balls fight
Nah they have to be close ion wanna smell them 😂😂😂
Okay otaku girl this is real life not anime.
I was thinking more Deadpool than anime
Can you regrow limbs?
i regrew my tip once
Yes, I just grew 8inchs and I’m not talking about vertically
Ooooo a lady boy
i need this method ASAP
You just beat 96% of anti men rn
Ong she did 😂
Like nerf right?
I thought ur mom was gona give you shooting lessons? She decide u still not ready?
We actually got those but got kicked out bc we were doing John wick angle shots with our wrist and the instructor yelled at us and kicked us out
Please you’d fall over with da kick back shawty