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Sende und empfange anonyme Nachrichten

Hol dir die App, um anonyme 💌 Nachrichten zu senden und zu empfangen

  1. Tippe auf „Teilen“
  2. Tippe auf „Zum Home-Bildschirm hinzufügen“
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Anonyme Chaträume, Rollenspiel und Dating mit zufälligen Fremden online
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Guys. The truth is everybody wants to see everybody else. They just don’t want to drop themselves.

Guys. The truth is everybody wants to see everybody else. They just don’t want to drop themselves.
This is not true
Selfies are like the only enjoyable thing about this app Well, pictures in general, I mean
What? You prefer seeing nobody, and looking at a bunch of colored nonsense texts??
What do u mean
What do u mean
actually i’m just here to be here 😭