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yes meditation is first steps to metacognition I think, thinking about one own thought process

yes meditation is first steps to metacognition I think, thinking about one own thought process
Yes exactly.
alright I see it is secrets 😂
Not secrets, so much as you really just have to experience some things for yourself to understandconceive them. Look into chakras, in relation to that pressurepleasure you're feeling in your mid-brain.
yes I see when I feel pressure in it from thinking I feel I have blank body and all my thoughts goes to what I think to extract "hidden properties" to solve it , to be the object that I need to solve
what. Am I too high or is this word salad. All your thoughts go to what you think? To extract hidden properties to solve... what? To be the object? Are you talking about visualization? I'm not following.
well I think it is special kind of "empathy" like being the object at that moment, not visualization I think as 100% but to be the object from the description or data I have ... here what I feel , first if it is hard the superior frontal gyrus got blood rush and I feel pressure in it on top of my head, there where I get the "special empathy" then if it is really hard with that I feel pressure in my thalmus and I have blank body and try being the object itself to gain informations
Okay I think I get you. Whatever works for you, keep at it, says I. Not too sure about all the areas of the brain you're feeling, but if it works for you, I don't judge.
lmao alright , I don't use drugs