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Now twerk for her
Twerking is work
Ya ain’t a stripper
Not yet. We gettin there
Do it when I’m dead
No one’s got time till 2087
Move it up then… can it be in like 2 months?
I can be a stripper by next Tuesday
Okay I’ll prepare my death certificate to Tuesday
🤣🤣🤣🤣 gotta be there so Wednesday
Nope… imma die as soon as u go on stage
Whaaaaa na huh
Don’t deny me my last wish 😌🤦‍♂️💀
How rha a wish if ya gonna not see tha performance
That’s the wish 💀
Fine I shall do tha in 2087 💀
Whaaa? Nooo nadaaa nein
Why notttt fine 2088
Noooo Tuesday
Ya in a hurry for me to change from Nash to shanaquay del candy
Nah I’m in a hurry to rest
Fine then i begin stripper career next week
💀 death certificate prepared
Smh tis 2087 alr
🤦‍♂️💀 the day u start the stripper career is the day I die
Tha why I said 2088 💅🏻
I wanna die earlier 💀
Smort. I ain’t doin it till then
For a mango juul pod I will be
Yas be for a good day at snowboarding too
Shii, I’ll give ya one for free…