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Just because I’m a woman means I can’t be lonely?????

Just because I’m a woman means I can’t be lonely?????
No not at all
Sadly yes a women unless she’s ugly as f**k will always have a men supporting her and sometime even other women
Who hurt u
That’s life girl 🤷‍♂️
GIRL!!!! Are u gay
Hell nah I am not
Why u say girl like ur gay then
You mean a man that wants to f her ???
Yes and no
We agree? My god
We agree? My god
That is a stupid assumption
I promise you they only want to screw her and I do mean even the women too well sometimes
Tbh sometimes I help people women and men but I don’t want to screw with them just be nice but it always backfire
Are you a man?
Yes why?
Well there’s the answer. We women could simply be existing and some men make it bad as in the nasty type way.
ITS the same for men, we try to make y’all happy but you destroy us in the worst way possible,cause you were bored and other bs reason
Yeah women will never understand what men say so yeah I am stupid to believe it will change
Yeah women will never understand what men say so yeah I am stupid to believe it will change
Notice I say some?