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So are you studying tech?

So are you studying tech?
I’m a political science major
Why’d you willingly study that? 💀
Hey hey we don’t judge lmao 😂 I can transfer those credits and do law
I dropped law after 1st year. When land law comes you’ll see half of class drop out. 💀
Ouuu idk I love things about government and laws and history
I could never be interested in all that in general. Just in economy and trade wise only.
Fair enough
i can def see you doing this
my studying never stop. i am a programer, i build software's. Hopefully a robot soon hahahha
Well that sounds like a promising field to dive in right now. You can hire me for marketing as a marketing major. Eheh.
you're a marketing major! nice, i had to do a course long ago on SEO.. i love it!
A year long? Wow. You got away easily. I had to go through that ish for 10 years of my life and it haunts me still. 😂
Well when it comes to SEO you have to always be on your toes because all these search engines make upgrades very frequently !
Major thing about it is you have to be adaptable due to frequent changes in algorithms. That’s what makes the field interesting. What is hot today is garbage tomorrow.
pure facts!
like it goes like that for seconds