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did you just try to insult me using my nationality
Again with this 🙄
they literally started it 💀💀
They just said French 🙄
oh it's okay then thank you🥰
I’ve noticed. I think it’s a languageculture barrier which makes it hard to understand social queues
I’ve noticed. I think it’s a languageculture barrier which makes it hard to understand social queues
who said I got victim complex😂
So I haven’t seen this yet. Once I hear it from the horses mouth I’ll have my view
So I haven’t seen this yet. Once I hear it from the horses mouth I’ll have my view
don't think about what she said
Noo Bunny
Noo Bunny
😂😂 ahahah lol. Nahhh you know that saying “hear it from the horses mouth”
😂😂 ahahah lol. Nahhh you know that saying “hear it from the horses mouth”
Eat your food
Eat your food
What did you have? Wheetabix?
What did you have? Wheetabix?