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Anonyme Chaträume, Rollenspiel und Dating mit zufälligen Fremden online
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Nobody you’ve talked to on here was good looking

Nobody you’ve talked to on here was good looking
Drop right now let’s see you Mr. 10 out of 10
I’m not 1010 but I’m not ugly
OK, so then shut the fk up you’re ugly and you’re not good in bed
Okay fat fk
Oh, you keep calling me as fat, and you’ve never even seen me
I don’t need to see you to know you’re either ugly, fat, or diagnosed with 5 diff mental health issues
I mean, you got the mental illness part right love
so then why are you here ??? oh cause tou fit the description
x 99
x 99
drop it like it’s hot
I can say that i’m a doctor, it doesn’t mean that i am one💀