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Lina used to send me fart vids for gifts

Lina used to send me fart vids for gifts
lina sends me live arch pics in return for bf dies in a car crash asmr
can’t believe you don’t remember 😔💔
I got dementia mb 😔🦶🏻
No feet!
lina came so hard i gave her a stroke, sht ain’t been the same since 💔
AYO?? 💀😭
you’re my lil vegetable 😼
Ur my lil baby carrot
hey it’s not that small okay 😔
Its ok man its ok 😔🦶🏻
i mean it gave you a stroke so who’s really winning here
I faked that….
the mri don’t lie, it’s okay to admit im that good
Mines bigger you’ll see
ms dck clt here 😭😭
lemme give it a lil stroke 😼
No enough is enough
say the safe word if you wanna stop 🙄
say it in russian though 😼