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I was thinking of that song yesterday when my anti x showed up in the room he knows i mod 🙄 😥

I was thinking of that song yesterday when my anti x showed up in the room he knows i mod 🙄 😥
What song were you thinking about 😰
“Somebody that i used to know” 😰
😳 omg 😭
I blocked him and it’s not like anyone there chats to him so i take it as a poke. Bc when blocking isn’t enough💀 How are you doll happy Saturday 😓
ahh i wonder if he purposely joined the room for u 😭
Laughter is not available in this chat room <# 😢
I met him there but I’m good! Just when i think I’ve forgotten him he creeps in there 😉 I’m glad you are good in great! I’m going to a musical soon and then will play outside. 😓
luuul glad to hear, bear ~ enjoy ur saturday!! 😭