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I don’t even let some family members hug me

I don’t even let some family members hug me
Same tbh 😭 they be getting too touchy ong
yeah it’s a no from me unless I want to
Its weird for me cause it be like aunts and cousins ive never met before i was like a child they be look at you and like low key feeling me up and im just like paws off woman
Like i literally start to get the ick and my stomach be like curdling 😭
Just say you’ve got go now your best friend is dying in hospital
All my relatives love to be touchy and i hate it 😭🤢 like my personal space has been violated
Like its bad i already have family trauma so my anxiety spikes whenever people are aggressively touchy 😭💀
But what if that la your persons love language would that be any different cause I get anxiety when even my kids hug me for long periods of time
Like I’ve always explained to them what to expect if they dont like it i mean i cant help it my trauma is a monster. At that point not compatible never force me to be comfortablewith something im not cause it not something i would do to them
Makes sense
Like i tell whoever i get close like that to my traumas so they know the reasoning of they cant understand it or accept it best believe i wont be around to have the make me uncomfortable
I’m the same way I lay it on the table
Shout nonce at them they’ll soon move away
Real hate huggers
I hate people touching me