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My hair is naturally curly

My hair is naturally curly
Better for your curls that way
pain in the ass to straighten i imagine
Ya cannot be still on whaaa
im thinking the same thing tbh WADDUP NASHAAAAY
Nawww but I was at worrrk whatcha upto
same ol same, par for course. waiting to pass out. wbu?
Imma begin tha process in a bit for nowwwww freeeee
catch up to me 🍻
Pfft easy under table behaviour demo soon
ya liver aint seasoned like mine nashereth 💅
My liver is elite and can beat ya liver in abou 5 drinks
denial is a river
In ya country bruv
i innit cant innit understand innit your innit accent innit
Imagine if ya say tha Wha hope in hell tha others got 🤣