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Fat ppl are a lot like seagulls. They're annoying, but you should take pity on them and give them a French fry every now and then.

Fat ppl are a lot like seagulls. They're annoying, but you should take pity on them and give them a French fry every now and then.
can u get a blood test done and show us the results
You think I'm fat?
its to test testosterone lvls😂
Well….i don't really have that test on me so….
oh so you alr know that cheese got more T than you
Shhh go eat some salad its alright bro
go “ai generate” some more high school girls lil bro
Ay whatever it takes to get you on the treadmill 🫡
bro is taking every chance he can to try to get back at me and it ain’t working 😭😭
No ofc, I'm not a health expert. Maybe try weight watchers?
i’m good i’ll tune into your episode on “to catch a predator” though
Are you gonna be able to get up off the couch? That's a big step for you.
idk but lemme know how prison treats you, i heard they don’t like people that diddle kids there
I'll ask if they can put me in one that's wheelchair accessible for your obesity scooter
And which nerf gun will you be using?
And which nerf gun will you be using?
would say i’m alpha like that but fact is his shii js below normal for men
what does this even mean
what does this even mean
Ask ur doctors for a test