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Bored af

Bored af
WHAAA how come ZADDY! You're usually the hype man over there!
Friday night and im at home, practicing abstinence
It’s the best
Need to prepare my soul in the upcoming month
What will happen next month?
The holy month
ouff... you can still put on some tunes and dance around! hehe
Now almost midnight lmao. The neighbours gonna call the cops on me
NO MORE WHITE GIRL DRUNK!! RIP The white girl drunk hahaha
They always do that lol
daaaang your place sucks! here I am play music as loud as i want!!
Whoever your neighbour is they can live over here lol and boot my neighbour out
lmao... i barely have neighbors, i dont live in the city!hahaha
Me neither. But I still have that one neighbour I wish I never had
Your alter ego?
Ehh no?
Prepare some snacks. Imma head there with some edibles