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Will on that my boo by usher vibe

Will on that my boo by usher vibe
That song is so good haha
Frfr but Dana a good one
Dana is the best. She got me addicted haha
When you addicted >>> but when you obsessed šŸ« 
Iā€™m both haha
Oof good luck
Sheā€™s the same way about me, I donā€™t need luck šŸ„±
Iā€™m talking about the feels you donā€™t feeling obsessed cause shi fks you up fr with the overthink- yeah lemme not lmao
I overthink all the time and she reassures me, sheā€™s literally an angel.
You got a good one šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„
Donā€™t gotta tell me twice, Iā€™ve never been happier fr šŸ˜
Get it boi šŸ”„
Oh itā€™s locked in fr šŸ™šŸ»
Donā€™t be making me melt