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Got a B in economics

Got a B in economics
Thanks tarnishedddd
Did u tell ur father about our marriage?
……uh….did we get married?
I mean u were supposed to tell ur father that he should arrange our marriage
Yah that..I procrastinated on it
u gotta talk to her father ur self, make a sales pitch or smtg 😭
that’s not what I meant 😭
that’s not what I meant 😭
Let him go the wrong way, i like his narrative
Fck u
This!!!or i might forget again, i mean…
That’s true I should man up
Make sure the hand shake is firm trust
And ur jacked. Daddies like daddies after all (sh!t i regret typing this)
tyty the gains have been immaculate lately 🥱
Omg, damn man
Damn,should I forward the number or smth