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I fight with my friends cause of uno

I fight with my friends cause of uno
📝 Don’t invite her over for game night
Nuuuu yes invite her
Nooooo. But im competitive af
Well as long as you promise to light start a fight you’re invited
Seriously always at the ready lmao
Girl I was born to fight 🧍🏻‍♀️
I can see that. So feisty
Sigh 😔😔😔😔
It’s not a bad thing. As long as you’re not starting the fights
Nahhh lmao 😂 I will always wait for someone to start
But you always finish it
Girl lmao 😂 I’m a pacifist till the day I die but only one fight happens in high school
Good keep it that way lolz
Girl I will unless someone hits me
I mean no harm tho