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Gesundheit & Unterstützung/

💓Bez spinki 💓

😘 𝕂𝕚𝕤𝕤 😘, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Erotyczny in your story.
☠️, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Przechwalać in your story.
"Ludzie, którzy są pewni swojej siły, nie muszą się przechwalać" 😌
💪✨ŠËBUŠ🌟💪, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Ból in your story.
Gardła odczuwam 😵‍💫🫢
Osa-Kosa, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Zakłopotanie in your story.
𝙎𝙠𝖔𝖈💤𝖊𝙠ʳᵉᵃᵏᵗʸʷᵃᶜʲᵃ🕷™️, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Twardy in your story.
Narazie jeszcze mientki 😂 czekam na sąsiadkę 🤣
💲cOoBy🍪🍪, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Nudziarz in your story.
No nudzisz tymi kartami, zainwestuj w nowe
𝑇𝑜𝑙𝑎 ∵ᴥ∵, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Homoseksualizm in your story.
Nie dla mnie
🌙✨𝕭𝖗𝖆𝖇𝖚𝖘✨💫, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Zawieść in your story.
Stary i dobry karabin , nie zawodzi nigdy 😈
Osa-Kosa, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Smutek in your story.
Nie odczuwam 🤔
💲cOoBy🍪🍪, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Zastraszyć in your story.
Spadaj 🙄
Co tam ciekawego z rana 🙂
Kawusie już wypite ?
A nawet dwie 👀
Jedna na razie
Osa-Kosa, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Kobiety in your story.
Wojowniczki 💪
Ja również jedna kawka na koncie ale już kręci się druga gdzieś pomału 😆
Serducho Jeszcze za wolno bije 😆
☠️, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Wycofać się in your story.
Dobraaa, wycofam się 🤷🏼‍♀️
Osa-Kosa, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Uczestniczyć in your story.
W badaniu ?
𝙎𝙠𝖔𝖈💤𝖊𝙠ʳᵉᵃᵏᵗʸʷᵃᶜʲᵃ🕷™️, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Sukces in your story.
Osiągnięty 🤟 już wiedzą gdzie ich miejsce 😂