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>>> It's not blurry Su larry. It’s a K and rem thing
Your pants are on fire
If one of my mechanics sent me that picture of their finger I'd fire them for wasting my time
Damn I lost a sock
>>> I wanted to see bones and dangling skin. Lmfso dame
That's blurry tho
Lol pig
Dallas here
Did u leave
Nasty pata
I am here
How’s everyone
Arguing with myself
And k.
I like this one better
>>> How’s everyone Good wby
Ha ha ha
Why are we arguing mami rem?
I like the first one better.
Whose kewch smells worse.
Pay for my pedicure
I am on my period.
So i probs win.
Lmfao I’m dead 💀
Period cooch stank is a whole other animal. RIP
Your feet look great Larry, what are you talking about?
I hate it here
That's why rem been mean to me
What are these cursed comments
>>> Your feet look great Larry, what are you t... He just doesn’t wanna pay for your pedi larry
Yeah. It smells like parvo
Rite my toes are jacked
She’s mean to everyone, just extra mean for the time being.
>>> That's why rem been mean to me Maybe you’re just ugly . Ever think about that
I was about to whack it but now that ruined it
Work boots have not been kind