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Love me less
Y’all have terrible social issues
Yeah I can do that I need to sleep 🥴
God my hand burns so bad
Stop flicking the bean so hard
Get on mw3
I spilled a lot of boiling water on myself a few hours ago
I'll put you to sleep after Neve
Dont be a pancy
I have work on 10 hours
Possibly forever if I hit hard enough
I need sleep lmfao
Bro i have church also but here i am
Grinding away 😌
Skn on my ……..
We'll make your gf not a gf jealous
Church ew
Like you wanting me, calling me
Im saying neve
Neve has to go watch a few hours of cornhub
But still, it helps the soul
I don't like chirch cuz pf ppl
But religion is aight ... sometimes
Take me to church
Luckily I only got first degree burns
If I didn't return 12 hour shifts tempting
Rem just ignore the people
I’ll worship like a dooooooooog
I’m drunk I gotta go
How do I ignore you?
My work is close enough to a church 🥴
Just do the usual rem
Bye drunk lemur 🥴
K. Bet.
Fair enough neve
Let’s air make out rem
Bro im debating
Y’all can’t do it like me
Bee free
Whataburger or wingstop 🤔
*air kisses 😚👅
Air slurp
I mean evan