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PPlus Size Girls 2.0

Dropping my truck off at the collision repair shop
That’s a pain in the ass
They put me in a 2500 heavy duty ram 🤣
I be rollin that bish
I want one now lol
Don’t bring it back to them 🤣
Don’t think it works like that lol
Be a rebel lol
How are you
TGIF y’all. Let’s get this weekend started!
Yass I’m so happy it’s Friday
I’m already daydreaming about the weekend lol
Morning sparkle ☕️
Hope you have a great Friday in that bad ass 4 wheel drive lol
lol thank you!!! Hope you have a great Friday as well
What’s the likely hood of someone dating a plus size women?
Hey hey
Afternoon all
Hello 👋
How are we today
I hope everyone is having a great Friday 🤪😘😻
Sure am, I'm off, you 😘
Playing skyrim again
Wish I could play oblivion
Off day for me too
Nice, do anything exciting
Hii wassup
Any plus size girls wanna chat pm me
Hello everyone happy Monday great start of the week
Hi Lola
Hope all had a great weekend
I did wbu
Yes I did
That's good lola
Anyone up for fun