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Reife & 30+ Chats/

🌺30 and older introverts

Can someone kidnap me? You can return me on Thursday next week. I’ll pay you in cookies
Cookies 👀
Do you take stale ones?
I like Maryland choc chip ones ty
Do I have to feed you?
Idk what they are.
Not really.
Get me some choc chip ones and then I come kidnap u
I don’t eat cookies sorry
I do, gimme
I survived! Change of plans. Early morning Monday would be ideal
I got cake again
And a Reuben sandwich
Cake 👀
Hi lady
Of the cup variety
Hi pugsly
And sandwiches and donuts and pastries
Realization: stress-eating is real lol
It sure is 😂
I want a jam doughnut
Judge my jiggly belly 😩
Never! I'm saying cuz I do it to!
And you never shared food 😕I see how it is now.
Because my foods look nowhere near as good as those foods
Pft they will all look the same when they exit 😒
Uh huh
Nah uhh
Sometimes viscosity matters
So technical 😂😂😂
And colour 🫠
I’ll come back later when I’ve had dinner and cake
You’d think I’d be used to this kind of talk 🫠
Introverts unite
The meeting adjourned half an hour ago
For shame
They’re having a party… but not together
We each have our separate corners
I wasn’t invited